Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program

South Jersey Low Cost Spay/Neuter

Ace of Spays

We recommend Ace of Spays for all your dog and cat spay and neuter needs. We have found them true to their mission of optimizing the spay/neuter experience for pets and their people. Their processes are easy, staff is friendly and their care is exceptional. They serve people of all socioeconomic backgrounds from all locations. Scheduling an appointment is easy. Simply CLICK HERE or call 609-267-2111. Schedule today to become part of a caring family that puts your pets’ comfort and safety first.


FOBCAS Cat Certificate Program

Through a partnership with Ace of Spays, we are excited to offer adults cat lovers earning under $70,000/year the same wonderful care discussed above at a discounted rate. This program is driven by our desire to eliminate euthanasia at the Burlington County Animal Shelter by 2025. With our help, the shelter is no-kill for dogs and working towards no-kill status for cats. If your income is under $70,000 based on your filed IRS Form 1040 or your filed IRS Form 1040SR, please CLICK HERE to learn more about our program.


Other Options

All Pets Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic

You can have your pet cat or dog or community cat spay/neutered through the All Pets Clinic.  The clinic schedule is set monthly and includes many weekend dates each month.  For more information, please see facebook.com/AllPetsLowCostClinics/.  To schedule an appointment, please send a message to the vet tech at [email protected].  Payment must be made in cash and community cats must arrive in a humane trap to qualify for the reduced rate.

People for Animals

Pet dogs and cats and community cats can be spay/neutered at any of the three PFA clinics.  The clinic that is closest to Burlington County is the Robbinsville clinic (609-208-3252).  Please visit the People for Animals website at pfaonline.org.

Pit bull spay/neuter for $50 after reimbursement

Friends of the Burlington County Animal Shelter is offering to reimburse Burlington County residents who have their pit bull-type dog spayed or neutered at the People for Animals clinic in Robbinsville.

You must schedule the appointment directly with People for Animals and make payment in full on the day of the surgery.  Then send a copy of your paid receipt and home address to: [email protected] and you will be reimbursed by check.

For Example: If spay/neuter surgery costs $200, you will be reimbursed $150 so your final cost is $50.

The reimbursement does not include any extra services you may purchase, such as shots, blood tests or nail trims.  You must pay 100% of all extra services.

New Jersey Animal Population Control

This is a program of the New Jersey Department of Health which offers reduced cost spay/neuter to residents who would otherwise be unable to afford those services and receive some form of public assistance.  To learn about this program and see if you qualify, you must visit the website at NJ Dept of Health Population Control and arrange for an appointment with one of the participating veterinarian hospitals.

Oasis Animal Sanctuary

The Oasis Animal Sanctuary administers a sterilization assistance program. Individual residents receive the financial assistance needed to have their pet(s) sterilized. Animals that are eligible for the program are those owned by New Jersey residents or those in managed feral cat colonies. Eligible pet owners must be at least 18 years old and have a taxable income of $40,000 or less. Elderly residents who no longer file tax returns and simply prove they are on Social Security are automatically approved. For more information, visit the Oasis Animal Sanctuary website.

Other Clinics

Click here for a printable version of some of the reduced-cost animal spay/neuter services that are available in the Burlington County, New Jersey area. Please be aware that services may change and this listing may fall out of date. Contact the organizations to inquire about each program’s availability and cost.

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