
When you foster a dog or cat through Friends of the Burlington County Animal Shelter “Friends”, you’re not only providing a safe and loving place for a pet to learn and grow, you’re helping to make room for more animals in the county shelter.


Fostering an animal in your home, even for just a few nights, is a great way to help save a homeless pet’s life. We are in need of foster homes to temporarily care for cats and dogs. Friends pull cats & dogs directly from the county shelter. Cats also come to us through our TNR (trap-neuter-return) and Surrender Diversion programs.

Our program was modeled after Best Friends’ foster program. Best Friends Animal Society is a leading animal welfare organization working to end the killing of cats and dogs in America’s shelters by 2025. Before you signup, please take 15 minutes and watch this informative video.

You’ll have 24/7 access to support and mentorship while the dog or cat is in your care. All supplies, including food, can be provided when ample donations are on hand. Medical care is provided by Friends.

For questions about fostering, please email us directly at [email protected].

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