Thank you for your interest in supporting the Friends of the Burlington County Animal Shelter (“Friends”) by hosting a fundraising event! We do not receive local or federal government funding and are truly reliant on the generosity of supporters like you.
If you’re not sure what type of event you’d like to have, some ideas of what others have done are:
- yard sales
- bowling parties
- beef and beers
- bake sales
- reunions
- run runs
How the Friends can help:
- advertise your event on our Facebook page
- list your event on the event calendar on our website (
- provide volunteers to staff the event upon request and based on availability
What we can’t do:
- create and reproduce marketing material for your event
- pre-purchase or sell tickets
- purchase supplies for your event
Please fill out this event form and return by e-mail or regular mail (3111 Route 38, Suite 11 #238 Mount Laurel, NJ 08054). If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us at [email protected].